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Later this week, the video for this will be posted.  And it will be added to this post.  For each of these classes, the following discussion questions will show up.  This is so that you can become truly grounded in the faith.



We begin our study of essential doctrines of the Christian faith with the question, who is God?  It is paramount that we distinguish and clarify whom we worship when our culture defines God in so many different ways.  Thankfully God has revealed himself to us through the Scripture so that we may know and glorify Him.

If asked, how would you distinguish God from the countless false gods promoted and worshipped in our world?

  • How is the Trinitarian nature of God revealed in the Old and New Testaments?
  • What are the three biblical truths that are brought together with the doctrine of the Trinity?
  • Find three places in Scripture to support each of these truths.
  • How is the statement in John 3:15 a reflection of the Trinity?
  • What does the Trinitarian nature of God reveal about Him?


  • How do you personally resonate with the human longings (e.g., community, relationship, humility, peace) rooted in the Trinitarian nature of God?
  • What is a right understanding of the Trinity essential to our faith?
  • How does the doctrine of the Trinity affect your worship of God?
  • Which of the doctrinal errors or false views of  God are you most familiar with or wrestle with personally?
  • How does your life reflect the Trinity?
  • Which of the practical implications listed in this teaching is most significant to you and why?

These are the discussion questions that the teaching will address when it is posted later this week.

In future weeks the class material and discussion questions will be posted on the same day.  Each of these classes is about an hour long.